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When I was a young mother, I felt nothing but non-stop guilt...

I felt guilty on the toilet, in the shower, cleaning, cooking, loading the dishwasher, at the hairdresser's...

And when I was at work, it got even worse... I couldn't concentrate on a single thing I was doing...

All I could feel, think, and breathe was GUILT!!!


It turned out that there are 2 types of guilt...

- Legitimate Guilt

- Societal Guilt

1. LEGITIMATE GUILT is when we are doing something we truly feel is 'wrong'... (For example, we haven't taken our child to the dentist for a long time).

2. SOCIETAL/CULTURAL GUILT is when we are NOT actually doing anything wrong... but we feel guilty ANYWAY...

It was Societal Guilt that crippled me as a young mother... and it is crippling way too many women in their prime!


To free myself from this guilt, I started asking myself...

"What is the societal belief that I have internalized that is underlying this current guilt?

From my sociological research, here are some of the societal beliefs put on mothers as well as the guilts they cause.

🔸 "Children need their mothers to be with them 24/7." (TIME GUILT)

🔸 "If a mother spends time away from her children, then the time they spend together must be 'quality time'." (QUALITY TIME GUILT)

🔸 "Mothers "develop" their children by spending as much time as possible stimulating, attaching, mirroring, being attuned to, speaking with, playing with, teaching, and interacting with their children." (CHILD DEVELOPMENT GUILT)

🔸 "Mothers control their child's future psychology, so they must ensure that their child be happy at all times." (CHILD HAPPINESS GUILT)

🔸 "Mothers control their child's future success, so they must do everything they can for their child's future resume." (FUTURE SUCCESS GUILT)

🔸 "Mothers must always put their child's needs & wants first, even if it means completely losing themselves in the process." (CHILD'S NEEDS FIRST GUILT)


Since I am a highly sensitive perfectionist who was reading a lot of parenting advice... I internalized EVERY SINGLE ONE of these societal beliefs and many more.

And so no matter what I did, I felt EXCRUCIATING GUILT. <3


But it IS possible to free ourselves from every single one of these guilts put on mothers.

I have written 14 READING MODULES where I guide my clients through this whole guilt-freeing process.

I also help fathers, caregivers, spouses, "adult children" and everyone else who is playing a societal/cultural role to free themselves from their unnecessary guilts and feel emotionally free! <3


Let me know if you'd like to find out more about how I can help you overcome your Anxiety, Depression, and Anger... as well as any Guilt or Shame underlying it...

You don't have to suffer from guilt anymore...

You CAN be emotionally free! <3

Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)


The biological diagnosis of "Postpartum Depression/Anxiety" often makes young mothers feel better because the blame gets shifted from THEM to their BIOLOGY. ("It's not your fault. It is the disease.")

However, I firmly believe that MY Postpartum Anxiety was NEITHER an individual nor a biological problem. I believe that it was a SOCIETAL problem.

If we look at the stats...

- During the FIRST YEAR of motherhood, 70% of mothers suffer from Anxiety, and 30% of mothers suffer from Depression.

- During the FIRST 5 YEARS of motherhood, 50% of mothers suffer from "intense emotional distress on a regular or continual basis"...


So, I started asking myself...

"What if it is the EMOTIONAL ENVIRONMENT of motherhood that is causing so many mothers to go flipping into Anxiety and Depression?

What if the SOLUTION lies in UNDERSTANDING where our painful emotions are coming from... how common these emotions are... and how to free ourselves from every single one?"


Based on my own recovery and my 4.5 years of experience coaching Postpartum Anxiety Clients... I have developed techniques and reading modules to help you...

🔸 Free yourself from all the SHAME, FAILURE, FEAR, and other painful emotions that our environment and our society puts on mothers.

🔸 Free yourself from that non-stop "MOMMY GUILT" that prevents you from getting our Social, Physical, and Psychological/Happiness Needs met.

🔸 Overcome the crippling Anxiety, Depression, and Anger that these painful emotions of motherhood have been causing.


Check out my VIDEO HERE where I talked about all the painful emotions that were at the root of my Postpartum Anxiety... and how I overcame it and found my Happiness in motherhood. :)

And let me know if you would like to know more about how I can help you overcome your Postpartum/Maternal Anxiety through my 1-on-1 Coaching Program.

You don't have to suffer any longer.

You CAN be really happy in motherhood.

And you CAN feel emotionally free! <3

Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)


She was a perfectionist...

She was intelligent,

She always got straight A's...

She found a good job...

Worked hard...

Got a promotion...

Earned a good wage...

Found a great man...

Had a beautiful wedding...

Found the perfect time to conceive...

And then she had a baby...

And FAILED like you wouldn't believe...

She felt SO MUCH GUILT...



She was a roller-coaster of emotions...

A bomb ready to explode...

She had always wanted to be a mother...

And now she was doubting her whole existence...

her intelligence,

her whole self-worth...

She had been an intelligent, successful woman...

And now she was...

A failure...

at motherhood...

at womanhood...

at life itself...

Until one day she realized that SOCIETY

had put a bunch of impossible beliefs

into her head...

She was so good at reading,

and learning,

and doing her best...

She had learned...









The beliefs were contradicting...

No matter what she did... she lost...

"If I stimulate him A LOT, then .........."

"If I DON'T stimulate him ENOUGH, then........."

"If I stimulate him TOO MUCH, then........."

These beliefs were haunting her

harassing her...

They wouldn't leave her alone!

She was an intelligent successful woman...

Being torn right down to the ground...


She turned to her husband and asked

"Well, what do you believe?"

He said...

"Whatever we do... our children will be a lot like YOU and ME."

Nurture vs. Nature...

Two parenting cultures... side by side...

Ripping up their marriage from the inside...


She realized that in order to

free herself from this societal

guilt, fear, and shame...

She could look to SOCIOLOGY...

What IS SOCIETY telling mothers...

and WHY?

She started freeing herself from

each harmful societal belief...

One belief at a time! <3

And as she freed herself from all this

guilt, fear, and shame...

She felt closer to her husband...

They were more and more the same...

And they lived happily for ever after...

Like they always thought they would...

The intelligent, perfectionist mother...

was... FREE... at... last! <3


Let me know if you'd like me to help you free yourself from Postpartum, Maternal, Parenting Anxiety... or any Anxiety... and all the painful emotions underlying it.

It's not your fault that this happened to you... <3

It happened to me too!

But we highly sensitive people CAN be emotionally free!


To your Happy Life...

Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach

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