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We have always been told that

making mistakes is BAD...

We must try to be perfect...

And never make one mistake...

But there are certain things in life

that can ONLY be learned this way...

Parenting is an ART...


navigated through mistakes...

It is OKAY to use trial and error...

It is OKAY to fail sometimes...

It is OKAY to be downright cranky...

It is OKAY to be depressed...

It is OKAY to be enraged...

It is OKAY to be our very worst selves...

Because it is THIS state of absolute worst-ness...

that motivates us to become the BEST person

that we can possibly be! <3

To your Imperfect WONDERFUL Self...

Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)


At the root of so much anxiety are societal expectations...

We are supposed to BE

someone that we're not...

We are supposed to be DOING

something that we're not...

We are supposed to be SAYING

something that we're not...


We think the problem lies in US...

because we feel so pained inside...

When in reality...

the problem lies in this DISCONNECT

between who we really ARE

and who we are "supposed" to be on the outside...

However, people with anxiety...

can become the strongest of them all...

Because it is by questioning these societal expectations...

that we can REALLY SHINE! <3


Let me know if you'd like to find out more about this societal approach to overcoming anxiety.

To your empowerment...

Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)


When I was a young mother... I noticed the strangest thing...

I was feeling tons and tons of painful emotions that there seemed to be no names for...

I was given the words "anxiety" and "depression"... which were also medical terms...

But I was feeling much much MORE than that...

I felt this HORRENDOUS ROLLERCOASTER of emotions... going around and around inside me... with NO ONE ever talking about ANYTHING similar...

So, I tried to ignore these emotions...

I suffered in silence... never acknowledging ANY of the emotions I felt...





(GUILT x 1000)














Until my research revealed that these emotions were actually NORMAL...

It turned out that over 50% OF YOUNG MOTHERS with children under 5 years old were also experiencing intense emotional distress on a regular basis!

But because the only words we had were "anxiety" and "depression"... almost ALL of us were suffering alone.


We are socialized to be BLIND to the emotions we are actually feeling... until they manifest themselves as something way worse...

But, these emotions EXIST... they are REAL... and it IS possible to free ourselves from them...

The key is to...

1. IDENTIFY our emotions...

2. TALK about these emotions...

3. Figure out what we can DO about these emotions... either in our lives or in our minds...

4. This enables us to FREE ourselves from these emotions at last.


Let me know if you'd like to know more about how I help my clients overcome their Anxiety and Depression... using this powerful emotion-based approach.

No matter how bad your anxiety or depression has been...

It IS possible to be emotionally free. <3

Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)

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