When I was a young mother suffering from Postpartum and Generalized Anxiety... I felt like hell. :(
I felt like I was FAILING motherhood, womanhood, and life itself...
However... I did finally find a solution...
🔸 I found two nanny friends who truly understood me, and with whom I could talk about all that I was experiencing.
🔸 I researched everything I could in alternative branches of Psychology, Sociology and other Social Sciences to figure out what was causing the painful emotions at the ROOT of my anxiety.
🔸 I figured out how to "find myself again", get my needs met... and become REALLY HAPPY in motherhood.
I became so passionate about this topic that I decided to become an "Anxiety & Depression Coach" so that I could help others do the same. <3
In the Coaching Academy, I made the most astounding discovery of all:
There were many "Empty Nest" Coaches there who were helping mothers who were 20 years older than my clients.
They were helping their clients do THE SAME THING AS I WAS... but TWO DECADES LATER! 😲
I realized that my Anxiety had been a HUGE BLESSING in disguise.
It had forced me to...
🔸 Address my Shame Problem once and for all...
🔸 Finally understand my Generalized Anxiety and how to overcome it.
🔸 No longer fall into Anger and Rage.
🔸 Overcome my Residual Social Anxiety and figure out how to TRULY CONNECT with other mothers and women.
🔸 Improve my RELATIONSHIPS with my Husband and Children.
🔸 FIND MYSELF again.
🔸 Figure out how to be a REALLY HAPPY person. <3
Had I NOT had Postpartum Anxiety... I might have waited until the Empty Nest Phase to figure all this stuff out!
Anxiety can be a great BLESSING!
It forces us to face our problems head on... and become the strongest, happiest person we can be.
Let me know if you'd like me to help you overcome your Anxiety to find your Happiness, Connection and Empowerment on the other side.
To your Happiness... in all the various phases of life... <3
Marni Penner
A Kanadai Coach :)