I used to be the biggest perfectionist on the planet...
I would make an itsy-bitsy mistake... and then it would spiral into a huge "shame storm"...
I would feel one shame...
and then another shame...
and another shame...
and another shame...
Until I was absolutely convinced that I was the most despicable human being on the planet, who was flawed in every imaginable way...
And then I would go into my PAST...
and bring up shame
after shame
after shame...
And then I would go into my FUTURE...
and bring up shame
after shame
after shame...
Making me absolutely convinced that NEVER in my life had I ever been a decent human being... nor would I ever be one in the future...
And what exactly triggered these Shame Storms?
Well... I had made one itsy-bitsy mistake... or I was tired... or I was mind-reading that someone else must think I had made an itsy-bitsy mistake...
ANYTHING could trigger it off.
And so how did I find my way out of the shame storms?
Well... I first started identifying the emotion of "shame" itself...
I spent my days calling out... "Shame, Shame, Shame, Shame, Shame, Shame, Shame..."
I was the broken record from hell...
Then I researched shame... and figured out how to free myself from my most toxic shames one by one. <3
And then one day... I was able to STOP MYSELF from ENTERING the shame storms at all...
I would observe... "That's a Shame Storm coming... NOPE, I'M NOT GOING THERE!!"
And I didn't. :)
And you don't have to go there either.
There IS another way to be...
You CAN be emotionally free! <3
Let me know if you'd like me to help you free yourself from your anxiety... and all the shame and other painful emotions that has been causing it. :)
To your Happiness...
Marni Penner
A Kanadai Coach :)