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When I was getting married, I was told that I had to do all these complicated things... or else it wasn't a wedding.

When I became a parent, I was told that I had to do all these complicated things... or else I wasn't a good parent.

When I became a online coach, I was told that I had to do all these complicated things... or else I wouldn't be a successful coach.


Who profited and who suffered from me doing all those complicated things?!

And the winners were...

🔾 Wedding Inc.

🔾 Parenting Inc.

🔾 Online Marketing Inc.

And the loser was...

Me. đŸ€Ł


The "experts" made everything so complicated...

All that Shaming,



Noise... 👎


What REALLY mattered in all of these situations?



💗 Listening to my HEART.


For my FUNERAL...

All I want is PEOPLE and a bowl of goulash soup. :)

See picture below.


Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)


I was in the midst of making a video, and I started having this crazy irrational fear about a particular person not liking what I was saying in the video. 😂

I thought... "Oh no... I am having THIS fear again?!!"

And then I realized that this irrational fear was just a SIGN that I had much more important things to do right now than make this video.

Our anxiety & irrational fears are a SIGN, a SYMPTOM that we are not listening to our own self-honesty...

I was trying to neglect my important tasks, and my irrational fear said "NOOOOOOOOOO!! STOOOOOPPPP!!" 😂


Anxiety is a SECONDARY emotion... trying to reveal something much more important underneath.

It is important to access our SELF-HONESTY and ask ourselves...

1. What is REALLY going on?

2. What am I REALLY feeling?

3. Am I being HONEST with myself?

4. Am I being HONEST with others?

5. What is causing this DISCONNECT between what I am DOING on the outside and what I am FEELING on the inside?


We highly sensitive people actually have a SUPERPOWER... that FORCES us to follow our honesty and live the life that WE want to live. <3


In other words, Anxiety is our TEACHER.

All we have to do is LISTEN to the teacher...

and ASK HER what she is trying to say.

She will then give us great WISDOM

of who we really ARE...

and what we really want to DO today.

To the WISDOM at the root of my irrational fear... <3


What do you think of these ideas?

Have you had similar experiences?


Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)


North American culture encourages a lot of "ass time" in the office... which often ends up pushing our productivity way down...

However, I believe that our greatest happiness comes from BOTH...

1. Being PRODUCTIVE IN THE OFFICE (going into 'FLOW')

2. getting our ASS OUT OF THE OFFICE and living the life we want to live.


It is hard being the person who leaves on time when everyone else is putting their "ass time" skills on display...

But forcing ourselves to leave on time can make us MORE PRODUCTIVE AND HAPPIER in general... which is what actually benefits the company the most long-term.


It is hard to stand up to "ass time" culture...

But maybe some of us can. <3

I remember when I cut down my "ass time".

I decided to WALK+TRAIN to work instead of driving... which meant that I had to leave earlier to get home to my kids.

I got WAY more productive...

I became so proud of myself...

I enjoyed my work much more...

And I became a happier person in general.


To less unnecessary "ass time"...

To productivity, flow, and happiness...

To living the life well lived. <3

Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)

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