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Marni Penner

VERS: Néha az a megoldásunk, hogy valami őrültet csináljunk.

Frissítve: 2020. máj. 31.


Sometimes our solution to Anxiety lies in doing something crazy...

That no one understands...

That we can't explain ourselves...

Like me taking off to Budapest, Hungary...

To a place that I knew nothing about...

To find a solution that may not exist...

I didn't care that I knew nothing...

I just needed to do something CRAZY...

Because nothing else had worked! <3 .

Does your solution lie in doing something crazy?

What might that "crazy thing" be?

Your intuition is telling you to do it...

You can't explain it...

It makes no sense...

No one would get it...

But maybe... just maybe... THIS could be your solution... the one that sets you free? .

Let me know if you'd like me to help you figure out what "out of the box" solution might work for you to overcome your anxiety and live the life you desire. <3

To your Happiness...

Marni Penner A Kanadai Coach :)

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