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Marni Penner

CIKK: Hogy lehet legyőzni a kisebbségi komplexust?

Frissítve: 2020. máj. 31.


In our society, we are often led to believe that our "worth" is determined by money-related factors...

🔸 The more money we have invested into FASHION... the more "worth" we have...

🔸 The more money we have invested into our CAR... the more "worth" we have...

🔸 The more money we have invested into a HOUSE in a good neighbourhood... the more "worth" we have...

🔸 The more money we have invested into our BODIES (gym memberships, diets, cosmetics, nose jobs, boob jobs, hair-replacement surgeries, etc.) the more "worth" we have... ;)

🔸 The more money we have invested into our EDUCATION and CAREER... the more "worth" we have...


This causes us to be constantly COMPARING ourselves to each other based on these money-based criteria...

"She is ranked higher in beauty and fashion, but I am ranked higher in education and career prestige..."

We truly view ourselves like "merchandise"... with everyone being stamped with "price tags" in all these different areas.

We envy other people's price tags and obsess over our own...


EMOTIONAL FREEDOM comes when we realize that our worth is a constant... with everyone's worth being the same!

It IS possible to remove ourselves from this money-based system... and see each other for the human beings we really are. <3


What do you REALLY value?

What kinds of people do you REALLY want to hang out with?

How do you REALLY want to spend your time?


Your worth is a constant...

It is inside of you...

So stop looking around...

Stop competing...

Stop comparing...

Rank yourself HIGHLY... along with everyone else!

LOOK into people's hearts...

And SEE who they really are...

Do you see how WONDERFUL they are?

YOU are that wonderful too! <3


Let me know if you'd like me to help you overcome your Anxiety (and the Shame and Feelings of Inferiority underlying it) through my 1-on-1 coaching program.

To your connected life...

Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)

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