North American culture encourages a lot of "ass time" in the office... which often ends up pushing our productivity way down...
However, I believe that our greatest happiness comes from BOTH...
1. Being PRODUCTIVE IN THE OFFICE (going into 'FLOW')
2. getting our ASS OUT OF THE OFFICE and living the life we want to live.
It is hard being the person who leaves on time when everyone else is putting their "ass time" skills on display...
But forcing ourselves to leave on time can make us MORE PRODUCTIVE AND HAPPIER in general... which is what actually benefits the company the most long-term.
It is hard to stand up to "ass time" culture...
But maybe some of us can. <3
I remember when I cut down my "ass time".
I decided to WALK+TRAIN to work instead of driving... which meant that I had to leave earlier to get home to my kids.
I got WAY more productive...
I became so proud of myself...
I enjoyed my work much more...
And I became a happier person in general.
To less unnecessary "ass time"...
To productivity, flow, and happiness...
To living the life well lived. <3
Marni Penner
A Kanadai Coach :)