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Marni Penner

CIKK: A megoldásom nem a "szociális szorongás" szavakban rejlett

Frissítve: 2020. máj. 31.


Lately I have been thinking about how my solution to social anxiety didn't lie in the words "social anxiety" at all...

After some bad experiences in therapy, I REFUSED to say the words "social anxiety" to anyone...

I refused to be pathologized...

I refused to obsess over my symptoms...

I refused to think about this one problem I could NOT control...


My solution 5 years later in Hungary involved focusing on everything else:


I focused on being as honest as I could possibly be... talking about what I really feel... who I really am... what really matters to me...

2. LOVE...

I focused on getting out of my head... loving other people... and loving life...


I focused on accepting my anxiety symptoms and giving them the "So what?" attention they truly deserved...


The answer did NOT lie in focusing on the symptoms... obsessing about the symptoms... analysing the symptoms... or labeling the symptoms as something called "social anxiety"....

The answer lied in freeing myself from the SHAME that had caused it... and by embracing the positive virtues of HONESTY, LOVE, and ACCEPTANCE...

THIS was the formula that set me free...

This formula might help you as well. <3


What do you think of these ideas?

Do you ever get tired of the words "social anxiety"?

Do you wish you could focus on something more powerful instead?

Then I think you would like this approach. :)


Check out my videos here where I talked about exactly how I recovered:

You can do this! <3

Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)

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